* He is an architech designer.

Is this a correct job name? Do you have a similar name?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. He is an architect. The word "architech" does not exist. He is a technical designer, perhaps?

architectual designer would be good also

The correct job title is "architectural designer." An architectural designer is a professional who specializes in designing and planning buildings or structures. They work closely with architects and engineers to create functional and aesthetically pleasing designs.

As for a similar job title, there is a related role called "architect." Architects are responsible for designing and overseeing the construction of buildings and structures. They often have a higher level of expertise and may be licensed to practice architecture. While the roles of architectural designers and architects overlap to some extent, architects typically have additional qualifications and responsibilities.

If you're interested in pursuing a career in architecture or design, it's beneficial to research the specific job titles and qualifications in your region, as they can vary.