I have to average students test scores but if they have taken all five tests, I need to drop the lowest score before averaging

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I need an excel formula that averages students test scores, dropping the lowest score if all 5 tests are taken

I don't know that there is a program within Excel that does that. You can write one yourself, however.

To average students' test scores while dropping the lowest score when they have taken all five tests, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying the number of tests each student has taken. If a student has taken all five tests, you will need to drop the lowest score. If a student has taken fewer than five tests, you can calculate the average using only the available scores.

2. For students who have taken all five tests, determine the lowest test score among the five.

3. Subtract the lowest score from the sum of the remaining four test scores.

4. Divide the result from step 3 by 4, which gives you the average of the four highest scores.

5. For students who have taken fewer than five tests, simply calculate the average using the available scores.

6. Repeat this process for each student, dropping the lowest score if they have taken all five tests.

7. Finally, calculate the overall average by summing up the averages of all the students and dividing by the total number of students.

By following these steps, you can accurately average the test scores while dropping the lowest score for students who have taken all five tests.