(8x-6) - (4x-5)

If I were you, I would use the foil method: First Outer Inner Last. If you don't know that method I will be willing to explain

Casey, it is not multiplication but rather subtraction.

(8x-6) - (4x-5)
= 8x - 6 - 4x + 5
= 4x - 1

Sorry, got caught in the moment. I think Reiny is right.

To simplify the expression (8x-6) - (4x-5), follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the second parentheses:

(8x - 6) - 4x + 5

Step 2: Combine like terms. Group the x terms (8x and -4x) and the constants (-6 and 5) together:

8x - 4x - 6 + 5

Step 3: Add or subtract the coefficients of the x terms and constants separately:

(8x - 4x) + (-6 + 5)
4x - 1

The simplified expression is 4x - 1.