1 out of every 4 soldiers were killed in the civil war?

Hmmm. Your use of the word Killed bothers me. The DEATH rate was near 25 percent, but 2/3 of those died of disease.


This site will give you the numbers of casualties and the number of soldiers on each side.


To calculate the fraction or percentage of soldiers killed in the civil war, we need to know the total number of soldiers and the number of soldiers killed. Unfortunately, you have only provided the ratio of 1 in 4, but without an actual count, we cannot determine the exact number.

However, if we assume that there are a specific number of soldiers, we can calculate the number of soldiers killed based on the given ratio.

Let's say there were 1,000 soldiers in the civil war. To find the number of soldiers killed, we can multiply the total number of soldiers by the given fraction or ratio:

Number of soldiers killed = Total number of soldiers * Ratio
(Number of soldiers killed = 1000 * 1/4 = 1000/4 = 250)

So, if there were 1,000 soldiers in the civil war, based on the ratio you provided, 250 soldiers would have been killed.

However, please keep in mind that this assumes an arbitrary number of soldiers and is just for illustrative purposes. To get an accurate answer, we would need specific numbers regarding the total number of soldiers and the number killed in the civil war.