Just quickly, I need someone's opinion/facts of the knowledge: is hydroelectricity better than solar energy (or vise versa) and why? I know that h.e. is one of the ways that Ontario gets their energy, and that both are renewable. I also know that solar is an alternative method, which means it is not as popular. Thanks!

Since Ontario has far more moving water than sunlight, hydroelectricity seems to be the most efficient.

I should point out that electricity is electricity and neither one is BETTER than the other. Solar energy has been the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow but no one has found the end of the rainbow yet. The problem is that the efficiency of the solar cells is just not very high although improvements have been made over the past many years. From the Internet, I found an article that stated that the first solar cell was about 1% efficient and that efficiency continued to climb through the years to 30% in 2007.

To determine whether hydroelectricity or solar energy is better, we need to consider a few factors.

Firstly, let's look at the environmental impact. Hydroelectricity uses flowing or falling water to generate energy, while solar energy harnesses sunlight. Hydroelectric power plants have the potential to disrupt ecosystems by changing water flow patterns and affecting aquatic life. On the other hand, solar energy production is considered cleaner as it doesn't create pollution or affect ecosystems during operation.

Next, let's consider the availability of resources. Hydroelectricity relies on water resources, such as rivers or dams, which means it may not be feasible in areas with limited water supply. Solar energy, on the other hand, is abundant as long as there is enough sunlight.

Another aspect to consider is cost. Building and maintaining hydroelectric power plants can be expensive due to the infrastructure needed, such as dams and turbines. Solar energy, on the other hand, has become more affordable in recent years with advancements in technology and manufacturing processes.

Additionally, both hydroelectricity and solar energy are renewable sources. This means they won't deplete or run out like fossil fuels. However, it's worth noting that hydroelectricity is often considered more reliable because it can generate electricity consistently as long as there is a steady water supply.

Ultimately, whether hydroelectricity or solar energy is better depends on various factors such as location, availability of resources, environmental considerations, and cost. It's important to evaluate these factors based on the specific context and needs of a particular region or project.