i have a list of riddles i need solved pls ...help me ...

1183,7, 50, 256
seek out the one who say,
the pleasure gets better at 37 ,
discovered in a restaurant ,
name his play

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which is correct?"What a disaster,"shouted Maria. "What a disaster!"shouted Maria!

To solve this riddle, we need to analyze the given information and find a pattern or clue to identify the answer. Let's break it down step by step:

1. The list of numbers: 1183, 7, 50, 256. At first glance, these numbers don't seem to have an obvious connection. We need to look for other clues to unravel the riddle.

2. "Seek out the one who says the pleasure gets better at 37." This statement suggests that we should focus on number 37 in some way. It could be talking about someone's opinion or a specific individual who associates pleasure with the number 37.

3. "Discovered in a restaurant." This clue indicates that the answer might be related to something found or experienced in a restaurant. Pay attention to any famous people, dishes, or items associated with restaurants.

4. "Name his play." Here, "his" refers to someone mentioned earlier in the riddle. We need to identify who this person is and determine the name of their play.

Now let's put the clues together to find the answer:

1. Starting with the numbers, let's see if there is any connection or pattern. Looking closely, we can see that 1183, 7, 50, and 256 are all perfect squares: 1183 = 34^2, 7 = 2^2, 50 = 5^2 x 2, and 256 = 16^2. However, this doesn't seem directly related to the rest of the riddle.

2. Focus on the statement about pleasure getting better at 37. This suggests that 37 may have some significance. In this context, it might be referring to a specific person who is known for associating pleasure with the number 37.

3. Considering the clue about a restaurant, we should look for well-known individuals associated with the culinary world or any famous restaurants themselves. This could be a chef, restaurateur, or even a fictional character linked to a restaurant.

4. The phrase "Name his play" indicates that we are looking for a play associated with the person mentioned earlier. Once we identify this person, we can determine the name of their play.

Given the information provided, it appears that there is not enough data to directly solve the riddle. It is possible that some additional context or a broader knowledge base is required to find the answer.