The sum of 6 times Jack's age and 5 times Larry's age is 63. Jack is 1 year less than 3 times as old as Larry. Find eachh of their ages.



Let's represent Jack's age as "J" and Larry's age as "L".

According to the given information, we can set up two equations:

1) 6J + 5L = 63 (equation 1) (the sum of 6 times Jack's age and 5 times Larry's age is 63)

2) J = 3L - 1 (equation 2) (Jack is 1 year less than 3 times as old as Larry)

From equation 2, we can express J in terms of L:

J = 3L - 1

Substituting this expression into equation 1, we get:

6(3L - 1) + 5L = 63

Simplifying the left side:

18L - 6 + 5L = 63

Combining like terms:

23L - 6 = 63

Adding 6 to both sides:

23L = 69

Now, divide both sides by 23:

L = 3

Substituting this value back into equation 2 to find J:

J = 3L - 1
J = 3(3) - 1
J = 9 - 1
J = 8

Therefore, Jack is 8 years old and Larry is 3 years old.

To solve this problem, we need to translate the given information into equations and then solve the system of equations.

Let's denote Jack's age as J and Larry's age as L.

According to the first statement, the sum of 6 times Jack's age and 5 times Larry's age is 63. So we can write the equation as:

6J + 5L = 63 (Equation 1)

According to the second statement, Jack's age is 1 year less than 3 times Larry's age. We can write this as:

J = 3L - 1 (Equation 2)

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can solve this system using substitution or elimination method.

Let's use substitution method:

Substitute the value of J from Equation 2 into Equation 1:

6(3L - 1) + 5L = 63

Simplify the equation:

18L - 6 + 5L = 63

Combine like terms:

23L - 6 = 63

Add 6 to both sides:

23L = 69

Divide both sides by 23:

L = 3

Now substitute the value of L back into Equation 2 to find J:

J = 3(3) - 1
J = 9 - 1
J = 8

Therefore, Jack is 8 years old and Larry is 3 years old.