What's the root or base of the word "Deceit"? Or it doesn't have any?

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is the etymology of the word:

Main Entry: de·ceit
Pronunciation: di-'sEt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English deceite, from Middle French, from Latin decepta, feminine of deceptus, past participle of decipere

The word, "deceit," doesn't have a root word.

The root or base of a word is the central part that carries the main meaning. In the case of the word "deceit," it does have a root. The root of "deceit" is "deceiv-." To find the root of a word, you can remove any prefixes or suffixes attached to it. In this case, the suffix "-t" is added to the root "deceiv-," which forms the complete word "deceit."

The root "deceiv-" comes from the Latin word "decipere," which means "to deceive." It is also related to the Old French word "deceivre" and the Middle English word "deceiven." By understanding the root of a word, you can often gain insights into its meaning and how it relates to other words in the same language family.