According to CCMS, the small size of this school helps the downtown urban community meet their needs, in particular at-risk students from low-income households because the students are given more individual attention by faculty members. As a small charter school, CCMS promotes a tight-knit family environment to their students

*these are two sentences from an essay I'm typing. I would like someone to proofread them to see if they my sentences are clear and understandable.

or should I say this instead of my last sentence above.

As a small charter school, CCMS promotes a tight-knit family environment where teachers help bring parents, families, and the community inside the students’ educational circle.

According to CCMS, the small size of this school helps the downtown urban community meet their needs<~~"meet their needs" is such an overused, common phrase that you need to be MUCH more specific in explaining it; what follows is still quite general~~>, in particular at-risk students from low-income households because the students are given more individual attention by faculty members. As a small charter school, CCMS promotes a tight-knit family environment where teachers help bring parents, families, and the community inside the students’ educational circle. <~~This sentence is better, yes.

If this is in your conclusion, and detailed explanation of what "meet their needs" means has been given in the body of the paper, then this is fine. Otherwise, there needs to be much clarification of that vague, general sentence.

The sentences you provided are clear and understandable. However, there are a few minor improvements that can be made for clarity.

Here is the revised version of your sentences:

"According to CCMS, the small size of this school helps meet the needs of the downtown urban community, particularly at-risk students from low-income households. This is because smaller classes allow faculty members to provide more individual attention to students. As a small charter school, CCMS actively promotes a tight-knit family environment for their students."

In this version, the connection between the small size of the school and the individual attention given to students by faculty members is clarified. Additionally, the focus on serving the downtown urban community, particularly at-risk students from low-income households, is emphasized.