i am confused when i should use "pendant" versus "i y a" for the past and when to use "pour" versus "dans" and "d'ici" for the future. can someone please explain

Salut, Jean! Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum.

pendant = during, (preposition)
pendant que = while (adverb)

"i y a" = do you mean "il y a?" = there is/there are. This expression is impersonal and both singular and plural

pour = for, in order to (preposition)
pour que = in order that (using Subjunctive)

dans = in, into (preposition)
d'ici = from here, hereabouts; from today

Now, other than that, I need to see the specific examples of how y ou wish to use them.

pendant qu'il pleuvait = while it was raining (using l'imparfait = past tense)

il me l'a envoyé il y a longtemps = He sent it to me a long time ago. (with past tense)

pour étudier bien j'aurai mon texte = to study well, I will/shall have my textbook

dans le futur, j'irai au Canada. = in the future, I will/shall go to Canada.

d'ici nous nous parlerons souvent = From today we will/shall talk to each other more often.

Are the examples above what you mean?


dans le futur, j'irai au Canada. = in the future, I will/shall go to Canada.

trop imprécis:
veut-il partir au Canada pour s'y installer définitivement?
alors préférer : "plus tard" "un jour"

ou y faire du tourisme?
"le mois prochain, je pars au Canada"
"dans le futur" ne s'emploie que très rarement ! trop imprécis.
à n'employer que lorsque l'on parle d'un avenir très lointain ; plusieurs dizaines d'années, de siècles...

Certainly! I can help you understand the difference between "pendant" and "il y a" for the past, as well as "pour," "dans," and "d'ici" for the future.

1. "Pendant" versus "Il y a" for the past:
- "Pendant" is used to express the duration of an action that occurred in the past. It is often followed by a specific length of time or a time frame.
Example: "J'ai étudié pendant trois heures" (I studied for three hours).
- "Il y a" is used to indicate a specific point in the past when an action took place. It is equivalent to the English "ago."
Example: "J'ai déménagé il y a trois mois" (I moved three months ago).

2. "Pour," "Dans," and "D'ici" for the future:
- "Pour" is used to express a specific purpose or timeframe for an action in the future.
Example: "Je vais partir pour une semaine" (I am leaving for a week).
- "Dans" is used to express a general timeframe or when something will happen in the future.
Example: "Je vais te rendre visite dans quelques jours" (I will visit you in a few days).
- "D'ici" is used to express a period of time from now until a specific point in the future.
Example: "D'ici la fin du mois, je serai prêt" (By the end of the month, I will be ready).

To determine which one to use, consider the context and whether you want to emphasize the duration (pendant) or a specific point in the past (il y a). For the future, think about the purpose (pour), a general timeframe (dans), or a specific period from now (d'ici).

I hope this helps clarify the usage of these expressions! Let me know if you have any more questions.