1. He is thin / skinny / slender.

2. She is heavy / overweight / fat /plump.

Do you have some more common adjectives descriving weight?

John, an excellent place to look up synonyms and antonyms is the Thesaurus. Put this in your favorite places for future reference.


Synonyms lean, skinny, slender, slim, spare
Related words angular, bony, rawboned, scraggy, scrawny, sinewy; lank, lanky, rangy, reedy, spindling, spindly, twiggy, waspish, weedy, willowy, wiry; anorexic, cadaverous, emaciated, gaunt, haggard, pinched, skeletal, wasted, wizened; puny, meager ( or meagre), slight
Near Antonyms beefy, bulky, chunky, fleshy, heavy, heavyset, stocky, stout, thick, thickset, weighty; brawny, burly, husky; dumpy, pudgy, roly-poly, squat, stubby; paunchy, potbellied; flabby, soft; buxom; fleshed-out, full, round
Antonyms chubby, corpulent, fat, gross, obese, overweight, plump, portly, rotund, tubby

Yes, there are several more adjectives that can be used to describe weight. Here are a few:

1. Slim: This is similar to the adjective "thin" and describes someone who is slender and has a small or lean build.

2. Petite: This describes someone who is small and compact in size, often implying a delicate or dainty appearance.

3. Chubby: This term is used to describe someone who has a slightly overweight or plump appearance, but in a cute or endearing way.

4. Stocky: This describes someone who is thick and muscular, usually implying a sturdy or robust build.

5. Obese: This is a medical term used to describe someone who has a significant amount of excess body fat, often leading to health issues.

It's important to remember that using these adjectives to describe someone's weight can be sensitive, and it's best to use them with care and respect.