Need help finding information about Ancient Ghana...not present day, Ghana.

Especially about their languages, arts and crafts, their coffin art, festivals, foods (recipes), singing and drumming!?

To find information about Ancient Ghana, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with research: Begin by conducting a general search on the internet using reputable sources such as academic websites, museum websites, or scholarly articles. This will provide you with a broad understanding of Ancient Ghana and its various aspects.

2. Utilize library resources: Visit your local library or access its online databases to find books, journals, or other materials related to Ancient Ghana. You can use the library catalogs to search for specific topics like Ancient Ghana languages, arts and crafts, coffin art, festivals, foods, singing, and drumming.

3. Explore academic journals: Search for relevant academic journals using online databases like JSTOR, Google Scholar, or ResearchGate. These platforms often provide access to scholarly articles discussing various aspects of Ancient Ghana.

4. Consult specialized books: Look for specific books dedicated to Ancient Ghana or West African history that delve deeper into their languages, arts, crafts, festivals, foods, singing, and drumming. Books by reputable historians, anthropologists, or archaeologists will offer in-depth information.

5. Visit museums: Museums specializing in African history, culture, or archaeology may have exhibitions or collections dedicated to Ancient Ghana. Visiting such museums or exploring their online resources can provide detailed insights into the topics you are interested in.

6. Join online forums or communities: Engage with online communities or forums focused on African history or Ancient Ghana. These platforms often have knowledgeable enthusiasts or experts who can provide additional information or recommend further resources.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, ensuring they are credible and authoritative. Cross-referencing information from multiple sources is always a good practice to gain a comprehensive understanding of Ancient Ghana and its cultural aspects such as languages, arts and crafts, coffin art, festivals, foods, singing, and drumming.