Rose decided to create a flower bed n front of her house. One-half of her flower bed is planted with pink tukips. She plants three-fourths of the rest of the ground with purple irises. After that, she plants orange marigolds in one-half of what remains. the rest of the garden is planted with red gladiolas. What percent of her garden is planted in red gladiolas?

I worked it out, and I get 12.5%
can someone tell me if that is correct?
If not, could you help me?

To determine the percentage of the garden that is planted with red gladiolas, we need to follow the given information step by step.

1. Start with the entire garden.
2. Half of the garden is planted with pink tulips.
3. The remaining half is divided into three equal parts.
4. Three-fourths of the remaining ground (which is 3/4 * (1/2) = 3/8) is planted with purple irises.
5. The remaining fraction (1/2 - 3/8 = 1/8) is divided in half again.
6. Half of the remaining fraction (1/2 * 1/8 = 1/16) is planted with orange marigolds.
7. The final fraction (1/8 - 1/16 = 1/16) represents the portion planted with red gladiolas.

To express this as a percentage, we need to convert the fraction into a decimal and then multiply by 100.

1/16 = 0.0625

0.0625 * 100 = 6.25%

Therefore, 6.25% of Rose's garden is planted with red gladiolas.

So, your calculation of 12.5% is incorrect. The correct percentage is 6.25%.