(5 4)

(m-1 2)

Is a singular matrix,then find for m

A matrix is singular if its determinant is zero


(5)(2) - (m-1)(4) = 0
10 - 4m - 4 = 0
-4m = -6
m = 3/2

I can help you ASAP. reach me at shipra194u at gmail

To determine the value of m for which the given matrix is singular, we need to find the determinant of the matrix and set it equal to zero.

The given matrix is:
[5 4]
[m-1 2]

To find the determinant of a 2x2 matrix, we use the formula:
Determinant = (a*d) - (b*c)

a = 5, b = 4, c = m-1, d = 2

Substituting the values, the determinant becomes:
Determinant = (5*2) - (4*(m-1))
Determinant = 10 - (4m - 4)
Determinant = 10 - 4m + 4
Determinant = 14 - 4m

Since the given matrix is singular, the determinant should be equal to zero:
14 - 4m = 0

Solving this equation for m, we get:
14 = 4m
Divide both sides by 4:
3.5 = m

Therefore, the value of m for which the given matrix is singular is 3.5.