What is the translating word equations for this question: Nickel reacts with lead nitrate to produce nickel nitrate and lead.

You have written the word equation. If you want the symbol equation it is

Ni + Pb(NO3)2 ==> Ni(NO3)2 + Pb

And in the word equation, probably you should have lead(II) nitrate and nickel(II) nitrate read as "nickel two nitrate" and "lead two nitrate".

This question has to do with translating equations.

What would be the answer if an Aluminum iodide and nickel are produced with aluminum and nickel(ll)iodide react?

Please help!

The word equation for the reaction can be written as:

Nickel + Lead Nitrate -> Nickel Nitrate + Lead

To translate the given statement into a chemical equation, we need to represent the reactants and products using chemical formulas. Here's how you can do it:

1. Identify the reactants and products mentioned in the statement:
Reactants: Nickel (Ni) and lead nitrate (Pb(NO3)2)
Products: Nickel nitrate (Ni(NO3)2) and lead (Pb)

2. Write the chemical formula for each reactant and product:
Nickel: Ni
Lead nitrate: Pb(NO3)2
Nickel nitrate: Ni(NO3)2
Lead: Pb

3. Combine the reactants on the left side of the equation with an arrow pointing towards the products on the right side of the equation:
Ni + Pb(NO3)2 → Ni(NO3)2 + Pb

Thus, the translated word equation for the given statement is:
Nickel + lead nitrate → nickel nitrate + lead.