why was it beneficial for nations to pursue a foreign policy of nonalignment during the cold war?

Nations who were not aligned with either of the two major powers kept their options open -- no matter who won the Cold War. It also provided them security in case a major shooting war broke out between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R.

also, how did the berlin blockade and organization of the warsaw pact affect tensions between eastern communist nations and western democracies of europe?

It increased these tensions.

thank you

You're welcome.

During the Cold War, which lasted from the late 1940s to the early 1990s, the world was divided into two major blocs, with the United States leading the Western bloc and the Soviet Union leading the Eastern bloc. Many nations, however, chose to pursue a foreign policy of nonalignment, meaning they did not align themselves with either bloc. There were several reasons why this approach was beneficial for these nations:

1. Sovereignty and Independence: Nonalignment allowed nations to maintain their independence and sovereignty. By not aligning with either bloc, these nations had the freedom to make decisions based on their own national interests rather than being dominated by one of the superpowers. They could pursue their own economic, social, and political development without external interference.

2. Avoiding Conflict: Nonalignment helped nations avoid being dragged into the conflicts and confrontations between the United States and the Soviet Union. By taking a neutral stance, these nations reduced the risk of becoming entangled in the Cold War conflicts, which involved proxy wars, ideological battles, and the arms race. Nonalignment allowed nations to focus on their internal development and avoid the destruction and devastation of conflicts.

3. Trade and Economic Benefits: Nonaligned nations sought to establish economic ties with both the Western and Eastern blocs. This strategy allowed them to benefit from trade and economic cooperation with both sides. By remaining neutral, these nations could access markets, investment, and technology from both blocs, promoting economic growth and development.

4. Preserving Stability: Nonaligned nations played a crucial role in preserving stability on the international stage. By refusing to take sides, they acted as mediators and facilitators in international conflicts. Nonaligned countries often hosted peace talks, offered neutral territories for negotiations, and promoted dialogue between opposing factions. Through their neutral stance, they contributed to reducing tensions and promoting peaceful resolutions.

To conclude, the pursuit of a foreign policy of nonalignment during the Cold War offered nations the advantages of maintaining their independence, avoiding conflicts, accessing trade and economic benefits, and preserving stability. This approach allowed these nations to carve their own path and navigate the complexities of the Cold War era.