Which type of appeal focuses on the premise that something must be done?

a. Sentimental
b. Bandwagon
c. False Authority
d. Ethical

I think it's b. Any help would be great.

I vote for d. -- ethical.

The bandwagon approach appeals to the emotions to join others with the same ideals.

The ethical appeal demands that action be taken as soon as possible.

Think of the concerns about the Iraq war, unfair taxes, government corruption.

Thanks! :)

To determine which type of appeal focuses on the premise that something must be done, we can analyze each option:

a. Sentimental Appeal: This appeal relies on evoking emotions or sentiments in order to persuade an audience. It may attempt to elicit feelings such as empathy or compassion, but it doesn't necessarily emphasize the need for action.

b. Bandwagon Appeal: This appeal seeks to persuade an audience by suggesting that everyone else is doing something and that they should, too. It often plays on the fear of missing out and encourages individuals to jump on the proverbial "bandwagon." While this could indirectly imply the need for action, it doesn't directly focus on the premise that something must be done.

c. False Authority Appeal: This appeal relies on the use of an unqualified or unreliable source as a means of persuasion. It attempts to convince the audience by asserting authority, but it doesn't specifically emphasize the necessity of taking action.

d. Ethical Appeal: This appeal revolves around emphasizing moral values or principles in order to persuade an audience. It generally encourages individuals to take action based on what is deemed right or just.

Looking at the options, it becomes clear that the type of appeal that focuses on the premise that something must be done is d. Ethical Appeal. The ethical appeal relies on the argument that it is morally imperative to take action and make a change.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is d. Ethical.