Estimate the number of pints in 49 3/4 cups?

There are two cups in each pint. What is your estimate of the number pints in almost 50 cups?

To estimate the number of pints in 49 3/4 cups, we need to understand the conversion factor between cups and pints.

1 cup is equal to 1/2 pint. This means that half a pint is contained in one cup.

To calculate the number of pints in 49 3/4 cups, we can multiply the number of cups by the conversion factor:

49 3/4 cups * 1/2 pint/cup

To simplify this calculation, we can convert the mixed fraction (49 3/4) into an improper fraction or a decimal.

Converting the mixed fraction to an improper fraction:
49 3/4 = (4 * 49 + 3) / 4 = 197/4

Now we can substitute the improper fraction value into the calculation:

197/4 cups * 1/2 pint/cup

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together and the denominators together:

197/4 * 1/2 = (197 * 1) / (4 * 2) = 197/8

So, 49 3/4 cups is approximately equal to 197/8 pints. We can leave it in fraction form or simplify it further to a decimal if needed.