Consider a certain type of nucleus that has a half life of 32 min. Calculate the percent of original sample of nucleus remaining after 3.0 hours have passed?

how would i calculate this???

amountremaining=originalamount e^-(.692t/halflife)

Cesium-137 has a half life of 30.0 years. If initially there are 8.0 kg of cesium-137 present in a sample, how many kg will remain after 60.0 years?

To calculate the percent of an original sample of nucleus remaining after a certain amount of time, you can use the formula for radioactive decay:

N(t) = N₀ * (1/2)^(t / half-life)

- N(t) represents the quantity of the sample remaining after time t
- N₀ represents the initial quantity of the sample
- t represents the time that has passed
- half-life represents the half-life of the nucleus

In this case, the half-life is given as 32 minutes, but you need to calculate the percent remaining after 3 hours.

First, convert the given half-life from 32 minutes to hours by dividing by 60:
32 min / 60 min/hour = 0.533 hours

Then, substitute the values into the formula and solve for N(3.0 hours):
N(3.0 hours) = N₀ * (1/2)^(3.0 hours / 0.533 hours)

You can now calculate the percent remaining by dividing N(3.0 hours) by the initial quantity N₀ and multiplying by 100:
Percent remaining = (N(3.0 hours) / N₀) * 100