Assume that no denomenator equals 0.


= 7x^2+3x-9+x^2-8x+3
= (7x^2+x^2)+(3x-8x)+(-9+3)
= 8x^2+-5x+-6
= 8x^2-5x-6(answer)

What exactly is your question? I don't even see a denominator anywhere :)

What you have is right so far. If you want to finish that question you need to use the quadratic formula

x = (-b +/- square root(b^2 - 4ac)) / 2a

x = (5 +/- square root (25 + 192)) / 16

x = (5 +/- square root (217)) / 16

which yields x1 = 1.23 and x2 = -0.61

(7x^2+3x-9)-(-x^2+8x-3) is the question. the rest is my work

Your solution is perfect, did you just want confirmation?


To simplify the expression (7x^2+3x-9)-(-x^2+8x-3), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Remove the parentheses by distributing the negative sign to every term inside the second set of parentheses. This results in:

Step 2: Combine like terms. Group the terms with the same exponent on x together and the constant terms together. We have:
(7x^2+x^2) + (3x-8x) + (-9+3)

Step 3: Combine the like terms separately. We have:
8x^2 - 5x - 6

So, the final simplified expression is 8x^2 - 5x - 6.