Hi, me and my friend think two completely different answers to the same question the question is 4pq

if p = 3 and q = -6

the 2 different answers are

a) 4x3x-6

b) 12-24

Please can you tell us which is right or are we both wrong?

If so what is the answer and how do you do it

Do you mean

4pq = ?? if p = 3 and q = -6; then
4*3*(-6) is correct and that equals -72.

can you tell us the formula as we have no equal sign after the question?

I suppose the formula is 4pq. Your question must ask you to solve for the following when? or something to that effect.

To find the correct answer for the expression 4pq, let's substitute the given values of p and q into the equation.

p = 3
q = -6

Substituting these values into the expression 4pq, we get:

4 * 3 * -6

To simplify the expression, you can:

1. Multiply 4 by 3, which equals 12.
2. Multiply the result by -6, which gives us -72.

So the correct answer for 4pq, when p = 3 and q = -6, is -72.

Therefore, neither of the options you provided (a) 4x3x-6 and b) 12-24) is correct. The correct answer is -72.