Does the top view of a cone resemble more, a circle with a dot in the middle, a circle without a dot, a square with 2 full diagonal lines or a plane square?

Knowing what a cone is should immediately let you eliminate some choices. Is the point of the cone indicated by a dot?

I hope this helps. Thanks for asking.

To determine the top view of a cone, we need to understand its shape and how it would appear when viewed from directly above.

A cone is a three-dimensional shape with a circular base that tapers to a point called the apex. When we look at the top view of a cone, we are essentially seeing the shape formed by the circular base.

Therefore, the top view of a cone would resemble a circle without a dot in the middle. The circle represents the circular base of the cone, while the absence of a dot or any other markings signifies that we are looking at it from a direct overhead perspective.

To further understand this, you can imagine looking down onto a cone-shaped object, such as an ice cream cone, from directly above. The view you would have would show a circular shape without any markings or dots in the center.

It's important to note that a square or diagonal lines do not accurately represent the top view of a cone, as cones have circular bases rather than square bases.