what is a stressed vowel??

It's the vowel in the syllable of a word that is pronounced more loudly than the other(s). I'll indicate the stressed syllable in the words below in CAPS. The vowel in that syllable is the stressed vowel.

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If you have specific words you have questions about, please repost.


A stressed vowel is a vowel sound in a word that is emphasized or pronounced with more force and clarity than the other vowel sounds in that word. In English, the stress usually falls on one of the syllables within a word. To determine which vowel is stressed in a word, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the number of syllables in the word. Each syllable typically contains one vowel sound.

2. Determine which syllable carries the primary stress. In most English words with two or more syllables, one syllable is stressed more strongly than the others. This syllable is usually indicated by a stressed vowel.

3. Listen for the vowel sound in the stressed syllable. The vowel in the stressed syllable will generally be longer, louder, and pronounced more clearly than the vowels in the unstressed syllables.

For example, in the word "banana," there are three syllables: ba-na-na. The primary stress falls on the second syllable, "na." The stressed vowel in this case is the 'a' sound in "na," which is pronounced with more emphasis than the other vowels in the word.

By understanding the concept of syllables, primary stress, and the differences in pronunciation, you can identify the stressed vowel in a word.