1)Find the value of 7+2(5-2*3^2)


2)Name the sets of numbers to which 457 belongs.


We have this:

7 + 2(5 - 2 * 3 ^ 2)

USE PEMDAS...Do you know what PEMDAS stands for?

Work out the inside of the parentheses first.

Inside we have this guy:

5 - 2(3)^2

5 - 2(9)

5 - 18


We now have this:

7 + 2(-13)

7 - 26 = -19




Name the sets of numbers to which 457 belongs.

457 belongs to the following family of numbers:

real numbers

I have doubt about rational.

Rational numbers are basically fractions.

Unless you meant to type 0.457, did you?

In other words, if a number can be written as a decimal (a decimal is basically a fraction) that either repeats forever or simply ends (called a terminating decimal), then the number is RATIONAL.

Can 457 be expressed as decimal number?

NO, it cannot!

This is why I doubt that the family of numbers above includes rational for 457.

See my point?

To find the value of the expression 7+2(5-2*3^2), we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction):

Step 1: Evaluate the exponent - 3^2 = 9.
Step 2: Multiply 2 by the result of Step 1 - 2 * 9 = 18.
Step 3: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses - 5 - 18 = -13.
Step 4: Multiply 2 by the result of Step 3 - 2 * (-13) = -26.
Step 5: Add 7 to the result of Step 4 - 7 + (-26) = -19.

Therefore, the value of 7+2(5-2*3^2) is -19.

Now, let's move on to the second question:

To determine the sets of numbers to which 457 belongs, we need to consider various number systems:

1. Natural numbers (N): These are positive integers starting from 1. Since 457 is a positive integer, it belongs to the set of natural numbers.

2. Whole numbers (W): Whole numbers include zero along with the natural numbers. Since 457 is a positive integer, it also belongs to the set of whole numbers.

3. Integers (Z): Integers consist of positive and negative whole numbers, including zero. 457 is a positive whole number; therefore, it is an integer.

4. Rational numbers (Q): Rational numbers are numbers that can be expressed as fractions a/b, where a and b are integers (b is not zero). Since 457 can be represented as 457/1 and both 457 and 1 are integers, it also belongs to the set of rational numbers.

5. Real numbers (R): Real numbers encompass all rational and irrational numbers. 457 is a rational number; thus, it is also a real number.

Hence, 457 belongs to the sets of numbers: natural (N), whole (W), integers (Z), rational (Q), and real (R).