Who influenced the writers of the Dec. of Ind.?

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I can see how the Magna Carta influenced the Constitution. However, I want to find out more about the philosophies that may have influenced some of Jefferson's ideas when he wrote the Declaration of Independance.

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The writers of the Declaration of Independence were influenced by a multitude of thinkers and philosophers from different periods in history. Some of the key influences include:

1. John Locke: John Locke was an English philosopher whose ideas heavily influenced the Founding Fathers. His theories on natural rights, government by consent, and the right to revolution had a significant impact on the Declaration of Independence. The concept of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" in the Declaration can be traced back to Locke's idea of natural rights.

2. Thomas Paine: Thomas Paine was an influential writer whose pamphlet, "Common Sense," played a crucial role in shaping public opinion towards independence. Paine argued for the principles of republicanism and the need to break away from British rule.

3. Montesquieu: Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brede et de Montesquieu, a French political philosopher, advocated for the separation of powers as a means to prevent tyranny. This concept is reflected in the structure of the U.S. government, as outlined in the Constitution, which was drafted after the Declaration of Independence.

4. Enlightenment Thinkers: The Founding Fathers were also influenced by other Enlightenment philosophers such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, who wrote about the social contract theory, and Voltaire, who emphasized the importance of freedom of speech and religion.

To find more specific information about the influences on the writers of the Declaration of Independence, you could refer to historical sources, books, articles, or biographies that delve into the subject matter in detail. Additionally, exploring primary sources such as the writings of the Founding Fathers themselves can provide insights into their thinking and the influences that shaped their ideas.