
here is what I am working on:

fill in blanks with these verbs: almorzar pensar preferir poder querer tener empezar can be used more than once

Dana - Hola, Susana, habla Dana. Oye, mi familia da una fiesta este sabado para la mejor amiga de mi madre. Nosotros 1.________eschurar musica y bailar mucho. 2. ________ venir tu?

Susana - Si claro9, yo 3. ______ir. Mira, mi hermana Lidia tambien 4.__________venir. 5.____________________asistir ella?

Dana - Por supuesto. 6.__________venir tus primos Tomas y Alfredo tambien?

Susana - No se. A veces ellos 7. _________ que trabajar los sabados.

Dana - Bueno, hay mucha comida. La fiests 8. ___________ a las doce de la tarde y nosotros 9. _________ a la una.

1. querer


7. preferir

already answered above.

My mom - said she would get me a private tutor if I thought i needed one - would you consider this

To fill in the blanks with the given verbs, you need to understand the context and conjugate the verbs correctly. Here's how you can do it:

1. "Escuchar música y bailar mucho" - In this sentence, it is talking about what they plan to do at the party. Both verbs "escuchar" (to listen) and "bailar" (to dance) are actions they want to do. So, the correct verb to fill this blank would be "querer" (to want). Thus, the correct answer is: "querer".

2. "¿Puedes venir tú?" - In this question, Susana is asking if Dana can come to the party. The verb "poder" (to be able to) is used to express the ability or capability to do something. So, the correct verb to fill this blank would be "poder". Thus, the correct answer is: "poder".

3. "Yo pienso" - In this sentence, Susana is responding to Dana's invitation, confirming that she will come. The verb "pensar" (to think) is not suitable here. The correct verb to use is "pensar" (to plan/intend). So, the correct answer is: "pensar".

4. "También quiere venir" - In this sentence, it is mentioning that Susana's sister Lidia also wants to come to the party. The verb "tener" (to have) is not suitable here. The correct verb to use is "querer" (to want). So, the correct answer is: "querer".

5. "¿Quieres que asista ella?" - In this sentence, Dana is asking if Susana wants Lidia to attend the party. The verb "tener" (to have) is not suitable here. The correct verb to use is "querer" (to want). So, the correct answer is: "querer".

6. "¿Pueden venir tus primos Tomas y Alfredo también?" - In this sentence, Dana is asking if Susana's cousins Tomas and Alfredo can also come to the party. The verb "preferir" (to prefer) is not suitable here. The correct verb to use is "poder" (to be able to). So, the correct answer is: "poder".

7. "Ellos a veces tienen que trabajar los sábados" - In this sentence, it is mentioning that Susana's cousins sometimes have to work on Saturdays. The verb "preferir" (to prefer) is not suitable here. The correct verb to use is "tener" (to have). So, the correct answer is: "tener".

8. "La fiesta será almorzar a las doce de la tarde" - In this sentence, it is talking about the time of the party. The verb "pensar" (to think) is not suitable here. The correct verb to use is "almorzar" (to have lunch). So, the correct answer is: "almorzar".

9. "Nosotros pensamos a la una" - In this sentence, it is mentioning the time when they plan to leave the party. The verb "pensar" (to think) is suitable here because it represents their plan/intention. So, the correct answer is: "pensar".

So, the correct answers to fill in the blanks with the given verbs are:

1. querer
2. poder
3. pensar
4. querer
5. querer
6. poder
7. tener
8. almorzar
9. pensar