I interrupted my downloads and I went to check purchases and I can't do anything more without downloading the latest version of iTunes, which takes 10 hours. Is there any way around this? thanks

Yes, there might be a way to continue using iTunes without having to download the latest version, depending on the specific situation. Here are a few suggestions to try:

1. Restart iTunes: Sometimes, simply restarting the iTunes application can resolve certain issues. Close iTunes completely and then relaunch it to see if that allows you to resume your downloads.

2. Check for updates within iTunes: Within the iTunes application, you can manually check for updates without having to download the complete latest version. To do this, click on the "Help" tab in iTunes, and then select "Check for Updates." If there is a minor update available, you may be able to download and install it quickly without needing to download the entire new version.

3. Look for alternative download methods: If you are trying to download content from the iTunes Store (such as music, movies, or apps), consider checking if you can download those items directly to your devices (such as an iPhone or iPad) rather than through iTunes on your computer. This way, you can bypass the need to update iTunes since the downloads will be happening directly on your devices.

4. Contact Apple Support: If none of the above suggestions work, it may be best to reach out to Apple Support for assistance. They can provide specific guidance based on your situation and help troubleshoot any issues you are facing with iTunes.

Remember, these suggestions may or may not work depending on the exact circumstances and compatibility requirements. It's always recommended to have the latest version of software to ensure optimal performance and security.