what are the different types of advertising techniques?I did a project where i drew a bed and clouds,and said i went in the sky and brought down clouds to make this bed, so soft you'll fall asleep in a minute. Don't sleep on a bed of rocks anymore.

what type of figurative language did i use, and advertising technique?

This is a glossary of advertising techniques.


You used a simile. You said that the bed was like a cloud.

umm... i thnik it'd be a metaphor

The figurative language you used in your project is called a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using "like" or "as." In your case, you compared the bed to clouds, saying it is "so soft you'll fall asleep in a minute."

In terms of advertising techniques, the technique you used is known as "testimonial." This technique involves using the statements or endorsements of satisfied customers or experts to promote a product or service. By using persuasive language and emphasizing the comfort and quality of the bed, you are trying to convince potential customers that it is the superior choice compared to sleeping on a bed of rocks.