Tickets to a movie cost $7.25 for adults and $5.50 for students. A group of friends purchased 8 tickets for $52.75.

Write a system of equations to represent the situation.
How many adult tickets and student tickets were purchased?

i need help with substitution

A + C = 8

7.25 A + 5.5 C = 52.75

Solve for A (# of adult tickets) and C (# of children's tickets)

Thank you. I'm really having problems with math.

Let's assume x to be the number of adult tickets purchased and y to be the number of student tickets purchased.

According to the given information, the cost of an adult ticket is $7.25 and the cost of a student ticket is $5.50.

The cost of x adult tickets would be 7.25x, and the cost of y student tickets would be 5.50y.

So, the first equation representing the total cost of tickets would be:
7.25x + 5.50y = 52.75

The second equation represents the total number of tickets purchased:
x + y = 8

Therefore, the system of equations representing the situation would be:
7.25x + 5.50y = 52.75
x + y = 8

To solve for the number of adult tickets and student tickets purchased, you can solve this system of equations using any method such as substitution or elimination.

let the number of adult tickets be x

then the number of student tickets will be 8-x

7.25x + 5.5(8-x) = 52.75
