building on my last question, would the second equation be 3n+2r=5?

the 5 is the number of movies rented, and the rest the same as before.

Yes. That equation is used in my answer that has already been posted

what is 3x+12y=22

To determine if the second equation should be 3n + 2r = 5, we need to analyze the problem description and the variables involved.

In your initial question, you provided two variables: n (number of new movies) and r (number of old movies). The equation we derived from the first part of the problem was 2n + 3r = 12, representing the total cost of renting n new movies and r old movies.

Now, in this second part of the problem, you mentioned that the number 5 represents the total number of movies rented. Let's use this information to determine the correct equation.

To express the total number of movies rented using n and r, we would write it as:

n + r = 5

This equation accounts for the fact that the total number of new and old movies rented should be equal to 5.

However, if we want to incorporate the cost of renting new movies (n) and old movies (r) into the equation, we should use the equation from the first part:

2n + 3r = 12

These two equations together accurately represent the information given in your question.