If you were to jump from an airplane at an altitude of 15000 ft. and fall toward the Earth at 100 mph how long would it take to reach the surface?

time= distance/velocity

Your velocity would not remain constant.

Your velocity would increase by 32.2 ft./sec./sec. = 32.2 ft./sec/^2

The time to reach the ground (ignoring the earth;s curvature) derives from h = Vot + gt^2 where Vo = the initial vertical velocity = 0, g = the acceleration due to gravity, 32.2 ft./sec.^2, and t = the time to impact.

Therefore, 15,555(5280) = 32,2t^2 making t = sqrt(15000(5280)/32.2)

This, of course, ignores atmosheric drag and terminal velocity.

To calculate the time it takes to reach the surface when jumping from an airplane at 15,000 ft and falling toward the Earth at 100 mph, we need to consider the following steps:

1. Convert the initial altitude from feet to miles: Since 1 mile is equal to 5,280 ft, divide 15,000 ft by 5,280 to convert it to miles. The result is approximately 2.84 miles.

2. Convert the falling speed from mph to miles per minute: Since there are 60 minutes in an hour, divide 100 mph by 60 to convert it to miles per minute. The result is approximately 1.67 miles per minute.

3. Calculate the time it takes to reach the surface: Divide the converted initial altitude (2.84 miles) by the falling speed (1.67 miles per minute) to find the time in minutes. The result is approximately 1.70 minutes.

Therefore, it would take approximately 1.70 minutes (or 1 minute and 42 seconds) to reach the surface when jumping from an airplane at an altitude of 15,000 ft and falling toward the Earth at 100 mph.