write the verb in the future:

se souvenir (tu)
would this be right-
se souvenu?

i meant 'se souveniras'

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. You might want to have another look at the verb "se lever" that I conjugated for you. With a reflexive verb the reflexive pronoun changes, depending upon the subject: je me, tu te, il/elle/on se, nous nous, vous vous, ils/elles se

Tu te souviendras


P.S. You might like to invest in the paperback book 201 or 501 French Verbs where one page is devoted to one verb in ALL tenses and forms

To write the verb "se souvenir" (to remember) in the future tense for the pronoun "tu," follow these steps:

1. Start with the correct verb stem: The stem of "se souvenir" is "souviendr-."
2. Add the appropriate ending for the future tense of "tu," which is "-as."

So, the correct form of "se souvenir" in the future tense for "tu" is "tu te souviendras."

Remember, "se souvenir" is a reflexive verb, which means it requires the reflexive pronoun "se" before the verb.