would this be a proper way to start a sentance:

You see

like for example

You see, I had a dream.

I think that it is an appropriate way to start a sentence, but a better usage of "you see" would be at the end of a sentence.

I had a dream you see.

It really depends on the setence and what you are trying to convey.

This is a part I wrote before

I knew exactly what I wanted to become. I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to help save peoples lives on a daily basis. What better feeling than to know you just saved someone from inches from death?

You see, I had a dream.

Should the you see come before or after?

It's fine before -- and with the comma. Right!


thanks so much (:

Yes, starting a sentence with "You see" is grammatically correct. It is an introductory phrase that can be used to draw attention to a particular point or to provide additional context before stating the main idea or story. In your example, "You see, I had a dream," the phrase "You see" is used to give the listener or reader a sense that the speaker is about to share a personal experience or provide some insight.