Assess America's contribution to the Allied victory in World War I. Do you think that the US's involvement was crucial to victory? Why or why not.

Yes, I believe that U.S. involvement in World War I was crucial to victory because our Allies couldn't defeat the Central Powers alone.

But -- your teacher wants to know what you think. If you post your answer, we'll be glad to critique it.

I'm not really looking for opinions. What i need is some good websites that will give me the info i need to form my own opinion.

To assess America's contribution to the Allied victory in World War I, we need to understand the key factors that influenced the outcome of the war. Here's how you can approach answering this question:

1. Research the background: Begin by understanding the context of World War I and the reasons for the involvement of various nations. Look into the causes of the war, the alliances formed, and the events that led to America's entry into the conflict.

2. Analyze the impact of American intervention: Consider the following factors to evaluate America's contribution:

a) Resources and industrial power: Assess the extent to which America's vast industrial capacity and resources, such as manpower, raw materials, and economic output, bolstered the Allied war effort.

b) Troop deployment: Examine the number of American soldiers deployed and their role on the battlefield. Assess whether their presence significantly influenced key battles or campaigns.

c) Technological advancements: Consider advancements in warfare technology introduced by America, such as improved artillery, aircraft, and tanks, and evaluate how they affected the military balance and strategy.

d) Financial and economic support: Evaluate America's financial assistance to the Allies, such as loans, supplies, and foodstuffs. Analyze how this support sustained the Allied war effort and impacted their ability to wage war.

3. Compare the contribution to Allied victory: Compare America's contribution to that of other crucial Allied powers, such as Britain, France, and Russia. Assess the relative importance of each nation's role and determine if America's involvement was indispensable to achieving victory.

4. Consider alternative scenarios: Reflect on possible alternative outcomes had America not joined the war. Analyze how the absence of American intervention might have affected the balance of power, strategy, and the final outcome of the conflict.

5. Formulate your opinion: Based on your analysis, develop your own perspective on whether you think America's involvement was crucial to the Allied victory. Support your conclusion with evidence and logical reasoning.

Remember, historical analysis can have differing interpretations. Be sure to consider multiple perspectives and consult various sources to form a well-rounded understanding.