Answer questions positively using complete sentences

1. Me afeite esta manana antes de ir al trabajo?

2. Nos ponemos los vestidos en la habitacion del hotel?

3. Te duermes en el cine cuando ves peliculas aburridas?

4. Se sienta Ana delante de Frederico en clase?

I am sorry about your hand - this is just so confusing for me - I got an A But I sometimes need to just see it to understand our homework is not graded but it explains it to me.

sorry = too painful


can i see the answers to these questions


1. Did you shave this morning before going to work?

To answer this question, you can recall your morning routine and think about whether you remember shaving or not.

2. Are we putting on our dresses in the hotel room?
To answer this question, you can think about your current location and whether you and others in your group are preparing to put on dresses in the hotel room.

3. Do you fall asleep at the cinema when you watch boring movies?
To answer this question, you can reflect on your past experiences at the cinema and think about whether you tend to fall asleep when watching movies that you find boring.

4. Does Ana sit in front of Frederico in class?
To answer this question, you can recall your class seating arrangement or ask someone who knows the seating arrangement if Ana sits in front of Frederico.