Name the documents from which the Framers of the Constitution used ideas.

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The Framers of the Constitution used various documents and sources of inspiration while drafting the United States Constitution. Some of the key documents that influenced them include:

1. Magna Carta (1215): The Magna Carta, a medieval English document, established the principle that the king or ruler is also subject to the law. It emphasized the protection of individual liberties and due process.

2. English Bill of Rights (1689): The English Bill of Rights outlined the rights and liberties of English citizens and served as a model for the American Bill of Rights. It guaranteed important principles such as the right to a fair trial, freedom of speech, and the prohibition of cruel and unusual punishment.

3. Common Law: The Framers drew from the principles and precedents established in English common law, which is based on court decisions rather than statutory law. Common law provided a foundation for legal concepts such as the presumption of innocence, trial by jury, and property rights.

4. Enlightenment philosophers: The Framers were heavily influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke, Montesquieu, and Thomas Paine. These philosophers advocated for concepts like natural rights, separation of powers, and social contract theory, which were integral to the development of the Constitution.

5. State Constitutions: The Framers also examined the existing state constitutions, which were already in place in some of the newly independent states after the American Revolution. These state constitutions experimented with various systems of government, which provided valuable insights for the Framers when designing the federal system.

To get a more comprehensive understanding of the source documents that influenced the Framers of the Constitution, it is advisable to read primary texts, such as the Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights, as well as the writings of Enlightenment philosophers and the state constitutions of the time. Additionally, studying the historical context and debates during the Constitutional Convention can offer insights into the Framers' intentions and the ideas they drew upon.