How do you find the decimal notation of 22/25?

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

To find the decimal notation of a fraction, you need to divide the numerator (top number) of the fraction by the denominator (bottom number). In this case, the fraction is 22/25.

To divide 22 by 25, you can use long division or a calculator.

Long division steps:

1. Write 22 as the dividend and 25 as the divisor.
2. Begin by dividing the first digit of the dividend (2) by the divisor (25). The result will be a decimal or whole number.
3. Since 2 is smaller than 25, you can write 0. in the quotient.
4. Now, multiply the divisor (25) by the quotient (0), which equals 0, and subtract the result from the dividend (22). Write the difference underneath.
5. Bring down the next digit of the dividend (2) and divide it by the divisor (25). The result will be a decimal or whole number.
6. Since 2 is smaller than 25, you can write another 0 in the quotient.
7. Multiply 0 by the divisor (25) again, which equals 0, and subtract the result from the remaining dividend (2). Write the difference underneath.
8. Now, bring down the last digit of the dividend (0) and divide it by the divisor (25). The result will be 0.
9. Since the remaining dividend (0) becomes 0, you can stop the long division process.
10. The final quotient is 0.88, which represents the decimal notation of 22/25.

Alternatively, you can use a calculator to directly divide 22 by 25. The result will also be 0.88.