What is the only continent that traces of ancient human life have not been found?

That's probably Antarctica. No human life has ever existed there, as far as I know, but people have inhabited the other continents for at least 12,000 years.

north and south america

The only continent where traces of ancient human life have not been found is Antarctica. To arrive at this answer, we can use general knowledge about archaeology and human history.

Archaeology is the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of artifacts and structures. It helps us understand how humans have lived and evolved over time. Archaeologists have discovered and studied ancient human remains, tools, and artwork on every continent except Antarctica.

Due to its severe climate, Antarctica has not been a hospitable environment for human habitation throughout history. It is covered by a thick ice sheet and experiences extremely cold temperatures, making it difficult for humans to survive there.

Moreover, Antarctica was not always located near the South Pole; it used to be part of larger landmasses in the supercontinent Gondwana. As a result, it is believed that Antarctica was covered by forests and supported diverse ecosystems around 200-400 million years ago. However, the continent has been permanently ice-covered for at least the last 15 million years, making it unlikely for any human artifacts or remains to be found.

In summary, based on the current understanding of archaeology and the inhospitable conditions of Antarctica, it is safe to say that no traces of ancient human life have been found on this continent.