C'est or Il est??

____est japonais. ____est etudiante. ____est un personne calme et sociable.

I don't know when to use which...can you explain? thanks.

Another question...a or est?

Elle ____ un ami sympathique.

When deciding between "c'est" and "il est," you need to consider whether you are referring to a noun (person, place, thing) or describing a person or thing.

1. Use "c'est" when introducing or identifying a noun:
- C'est un Japonais. (He is a Japanese person.)
- C'est une étudiante. (She is a student.)
- C'est une personne calme et sociable. (That is a calm and sociable person.)

2. Use "il est" when describing a person or thing:
- Il est japonais. (He is Japanese.)
- Elle est étudiante. (She is a student.)
- Elle est une personne calme et sociable. (She is a calm and sociable person.)

Regarding your second question, use "a" or "est" depends on the context:

- Elle a un ami sympathique. (She has a friendly friend.)
Here, "a" (meaning "has") is used to indicate possession.

- Elle est un ami sympathique. (She is a friendly friend.)
Here, "est" (meaning "is") is used to describe the person as a friendly friend.

Keep in mind that context and the gender of the subject will also influence your choice in certain cases.