What is the correct way to abbreviate "Apartment" ...

"Apt." Or "Apt" (With period or without)

A true abbreviation should always end with a period. Acronyms (words made from initials) don't.

January 29, 2008

Dear drwls:

Thank you for your prompt response!



The correct way to abbreviate "Apartment" is "Apt." with a period. Abbreviations typically follow certain conventions, and "Apt." is the standard abbreviation for "Apartment" in formal writing.

To find this information, you can consult various resources such as style guides, dictionaries, or grammar books. One widely accepted style guide is The Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS), which is commonly used for academic and professional writing. It suggests using a period after abbreviations like "Apt." to indicate that it's a shortened form of the word.

Remember that style preferences can vary in different contexts, so it's always a good idea to consult the specific style guide or follow any guidelines provided by your instructor, employer, or publication.