
What are you trying to figure out here?

If you are trying to solve for y as a function of x:

first add -3x to both sides
3 x - 3 x - 6 y = -3 x + 30
-6 y = -3 x + 30
then divide both sides by -6
(-6/-6) y = (-3/-6) x = 30/(-6)
which is

y = 1/2 x - 5

To solve the equation 3x - 6y = 30, we need to find the values of x and y that satisfy the equation.

Step 1: Isolate one variable
Let's solve for x by moving the term -6y to the other side of the equation:
3x = 6y + 30

Step 2: Simplify
Divide both sides of the equation by 3:
x = 2y + 10

Now, we have an equation in terms of y, which allows us to find different values of y.

Step 3: Choose a value for y
Select any value for y. Let's say y = 0. Substitute this value into the equation:
x = 2(0) + 10
x = 10

So, when y = 0, x = 10.

Step 4: Check one more value
Now, select another value for y. Let's choose y = 2:
x = 2(2) + 10
x = 14

When y = 2, x = 14.

Step 5: Write the solutions
The solutions to the equation 3x - 6y = 30 are (10, 0) and (14, 2), where the first number represents x and the second number represents y.