We have to complete a study guide for English class but for some reason I can't find any of the answers, can anyone help?

Chapter 5:

According to the girl Jane meets, why is Lowood called an institution?

How has Miss Scatcherd punished the girl Jane has spoken to?

Chapter 6:

What is Helen's punishment for not cleaning her nails and how does she react?

By what doctrine does Helene seem to live her life?

Jane thinks that when struck at without reason, we should strike back. How does Helen disagree?

By what principle does Helen live?

Sure! I can help you find the answers to these questions. The first step is to carefully read the corresponding chapters in your English textbook or novel. Pay close attention to the details and events described in the text.

For Chapter 5, you can locate the answer to the first question by finding the part where Jane talks to the girl who explains why Lowood is called an institution. Look for any information or dialogue that mentions the reason behind this name.

To find the answer to the second question in Chapter 5, focus on Miss Scatcherd's interactions with the girl Jane has spoken to. Look for any instances of punishment mentioned in the chapter and how it is inflicted upon the girl.

Moving on to Chapter 6, search for the section where Helen's punishment is discussed. Look for details about what kind of punishment she receives for not cleaning her nails and how she reacts to it.

To find the answer to the question about the doctrine by which Helen lives her life, pay attention to Helen's beliefs or values that are mentioned or implied in the chapter. Look for any clues or statements that indicate her way of living.

Similarly, to answer the question about Jane and Helen's differing opinions on striking back when struck at without reason, search for their conversation or any internal thoughts Jane expresses regarding this topic. Look for any contrasting views or opinions that Helen shares.

Finally, to determine the principle by which Helen lives, examine her characteristics and actions in the chapter. Look for any specific statements or behaviors that reflect the guiding principle or moral code she adheres to.

Remember, it is crucial to carefully read the chapters and pay attention to the details provided in order to find the answers to these questions.