1. Which of the following explains why the study of slavery is difficult for historians?

a. Slaves left few firsthand accounts because they were forbidden to read and write.
b. Most slaves could read, but the majority of slaves could not write.
c. Actually, the study of slavery has been made quite simple for historians.
d. For the most part, slaves did not want to read or write.

2. In which area did women score their earliest victory toward equal rights with men?

a. politics
b. employment
c. education
d. legal rights

3. From 1815 to 1860, what was the value of cotton in terms of the entire nation's exports?

a. one quarter
b. one third
c. over one half
d. ninety percent

4. How did Missouri's application for admission into the Union in 1819 threaten to create a crisis?

a. It would force the new state of Missouri to be a slave-free state.
b. It would balance the political power of the North and South in the Senate.
c. It would upset the balance of power in the Senate in favor of the proslavery South.
d. It would upset the balance of power in the Senate in favor of the antislavery North.

5. Germans, the second largest group of immigrants to America, primarily settled in the

a. West.
b. Middle West.
c. South.
d. Northeast.

6. All of the following factors contributed to the weakness of organized labor in the early 1800s except

a. widespread economic prosperity.
b. workers' strong spirit of independence.
c. the availability of inexpensive western land.
d. the use of inexpensive immigrant labor.

7. Which of the following factors accounts for the surge of Irish immigration to the United States in the 1840s?

a. a civil war at home
b. religious discrimination
c. political oppression
d. a potato famine

8. Reformers who argued for publicly supported education claimed that a free schooling would do all of the following except

a. prevent social disorder.
b. stop immigration.
c. prepare intelligent voters.
d. stop the spread of crime.

9. The Mormons moved westward during the 1840s and settled in Utah to

a. escape religious persecution.
b. establish a slave-free state.
c. build a Catholic community.
d. prospect for gold and silver.

10. In the North, opposition to the antislavery movement came from

a. wage earners.
b. business groups.
c. trade union leaders.
d. all of the above groups.

11. By the 1840s, most of the America's industrial centers were located in the

a. Middle West.
b. West.
c. Northeast.
d. South.

1 A 2 B 3 C
4 B 5 D 6 A
7 D 8 A 9 C
10 D 11 C

1. The correct answer is a. Slaves left few firsthand accounts because they were forbidden to read and write. This makes it difficult for historians to study slavery because there are limited primary sources from slaves themselves.

2. The correct answer is c. education. Women scored their earliest victory toward equal rights with men in the area of education.

3. The correct answer is c. over one half. From 1815 to 1860, cotton accounted for over one half of the entire nation's exports.

4. The correct answer is c. It would upset the balance of power in the Senate in favor of the proslavery South. Missouri's application for admission into the Union in 1819 threatened to create a crisis because it would upset the balance of power in the Senate by giving more political power to the proslavery South.

5. The correct answer is b. Middle West. Germans, the second largest group of immigrants to America, primarily settled in the Middle West.

6. The correct answer is a. widespread economic prosperity. All of the provided factors contributed to the weakness of organized labor in the early 1800s except widespread economic prosperity.

7. The correct answer is d. a potato famine. The surge of Irish immigration to the United States in the 1840s was largely due to the potato famine in Ireland.

8. The correct answer is b. stop immigration. Reformers who argued for publicly supported education claimed that free schooling would help prevent social disorder, prepare intelligent voters, and stop the spread of crime.

9. The correct answer is a. escape religious persecution. The Mormons moved westward during the 1840s and settled in Utah to escape religious persecution.

10. The correct answer is d. all of the above groups. In the North, opposition to the antislavery movement came from wage earners, business groups, and trade union leaders.

11. The correct answer is c. Northeast. By the 1840s, most of America's industrial centers were located in the Northeast.

To answer these questions, historians often rely on various sources and historical evidence. Here's how we can arrive at the correct answers for each question:

1. The correct answer is (a) Slaves left few firsthand accounts because they were forbidden to read and write. Historians often face difficulties in studying slavery due to the limited availability of firsthand accounts from slaves. Slavery often involved the suppression of education among slaves, making it difficult for them to leave behind written records or accounts of their experiences.

2. The correct answer is (c) education. Women's earliest victory towards equal rights with men was in the area of education. In the 19th century, women began to gain more access to education and educational opportunities, which became an important step towards achieving gender equality.

3. The correct answer is (c) over one half. From 1815 to 1860, cotton accounted for over half of the entire nation's exports. Cotton was a crucial commodity during this period, and its value played a significant role in the economy and history of the United States.

4. The correct answer is (c) It would upset the balance of power in the Senate in favor of the pro-slavery South. Missouri's application for admission into the Union in 1819 threatened to create a crisis because it would upset the balance of power in the Senate. The Missouri Compromise was implemented to maintain a balance between the number of free states and slave states in the Union, and Missouri's admission as a slave state would have disrupted this delicate balance.

5. The correct answer is (d) Northeast. Germans, the second largest group of immigrants to America, primarily settled in the Northeast region of the United States. Cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Boston attracted a significant number of German immigrants during the 19th century.

6. The correct answer is (a) widespread economic prosperity. In the early 1800s, widespread economic prosperity did not contribute to the weakness of organized labor. Factors such as workers' strong spirit of independence, the availability of inexpensive western land, and the use of inexpensive immigrant labor played a role in the weakness of organized labor during this period.

7. The correct answer is (d) a potato famine. The surge of Irish immigration to the United States in the 1840s was primarily a result of the potato famine in Ireland. The famine caused widespread hunger and suffering, prompting many Irish people to emigrate in search of a better life.

8. The correct answer is (b) stop immigration. Reformers who argued for publicly supported education believed that free schooling would help prevent social disorder, prepare intelligent voters, and stop the spread of crime. However, stopping immigration is not one of the claims made by supporters of publicly supported education.

9. The correct answer is (a) escape religious persecution. The Mormons moved westward during the 1840s and settled in Utah primarily to escape religious persecution. The Mormons faced hostility and persecution in the eastern United States, and they sought a place where they could practice their religion freely.

10. The correct answer is (d) all of the above groups. In the North, opposition to the antislavery movement came from various groups, including wage earners, business groups, and trade union leaders. These groups had different concerns and interests, leading to opposition to the efforts towards ending slavery.

11. The correct answer is (c) Northeast. By the 1840s, most of America's industrial centers were located in the Northeast region, particularly in cities such as New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. This region became the hub of industrialization and economic growth during this period.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.