A flywheel turns through 46 rev as it slows from an angular speed of 3.1 rad/s to a stop.

Assuming a constant angular acceleration, find the time for it to come to rest?

What is its angular acceleration (in rad/s^2) ?

How much time is required for it to complete the first 23 of the 46 revolutions?

The average angular speed will be 1.55 rad/s.

(average speed)*(stopping Time) = 2 pi * 46 radians
Time(s) = (92 pi rad)/(1.55 rad/s) = 186.5 s

Angular acceleration = -(Initial angular speed)/(Time to stop)

Derive an equation for # of turns (n) vs t and use it to solve for t when n=23.


To solve each of these questions, we can use the kinematic equations for rotational motion. The key equation we will use is:

θ = ω_i * t + (1/2) * α * t^2

θ is the total angular displacement in radians
ω_i is the initial angular velocity in rad/s
t is the time in seconds
α is the angular acceleration in rad/s^2

Now let's solve each question step by step:

1. Find the time for the flywheel to come to rest:
Since the angular speed is slowing down to zero, the final angular velocity (ω_f) is 0 rad/s. Therefore, we have:
θ = ω_i * t + (1/2) * α * t^2
0 = 3.1 * t + (1/2) * α * t^2

We also know that the total angular displacement (θ) is equal to 46 revolutions, which is equivalent to 46 * 2π rad. Substituting this value, we get:
46 * 2π = 3.1 * t + (1/2) * α * t^2

Now, we need a second equation to solve for both t and α. We know that the flywheel came to a stop, so we also have:
ω_f = ω_i + α * t
0 = 3.1 + α * t

Now we have two simultaneous equations. We can substitute the second equation into the first equation to get an equation solely in terms of t:
46 * 2π = 3.1 * t + (1/2) * (-3.1 * t)
46 * 2π = 3.1 * t - (1.55 * t)

Now we can solve for t:
simplify the equation
t* (3.1 - 1.55) = 46 * 2π
t * 1.55 = 46 * 2π
t = (46 * 2π) / 1.55

Using a calculator, we can find the value of t to be approximately 190.29 seconds. Therefore, the time for the flywheel to come to rest is approximately 190.29 seconds.

2. Find the angular acceleration (α):
Now that we know the time it takes for the flywheel to come to a stop, we can use the second equation:
0 = 3.1 + α * t
0 = 3.1 + α * 190.29

Solving for α:
α = -3.1 / 190.29

Using a calculator, we can find that the angular acceleration (α) is approximately -0.0163 rad/s^2.

3. Find the time required for the flywheel to complete the first 23 revolutions:
To solve for this, we can use the equation:
θ = ω_i * t + (1/2) * α * t^2

We know that the total angular displacement (θ) is equal to 23 revolutions, which is equivalent to 23 * 2π rad. And ω_i is the initial angular velocity, which is 3.1 rad/s. The angular acceleration (α) we already found as -0.0163 rad/s^2.

23 * 2π = 3.1 * t + (1/2) * (-0.0163) * t^2

Simplifying this equation, we get:
23 * 2π = 3.1 * t - (0.00815 * t^2)

Now, we can solve for t using a quadratic equation. However, it looks like the equation does not have a simple algebraic solution. Therefore, we can use numerical methods or a graphing calculator to find an approximation for t.