How can I have a nice order of ideas in my paragraph so it doesn't ramble all over the place?

You can use a parallel structure format. You state an attention getter, then introuduce what you're talking about, then a thesis statement. Then the next paragraph start with a topic sentence the write a body paragraph describing the topic sentence. then the last paragraph re-state your thesis then conclude.

Also to make your sentences flow use transistions. Like, first, second, lastly, also, because , however, therefore, and so on...

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Good advice from Miley! A standard paragraph has 5 sentences: first one introducing the topic (and could be the thesis statement, although it is not mandatory that it be at the beginning.) second, third, fourth sentences are making your point; your "proof" for example. fifth and final sentence is your summation. Here the simpliest format:

1. what I'm writing about
2. one thing I have to say about it
3. another thing I have to say about it.
4. third thing I have to say about it.
5. what I've written about!

To have a nice order of ideas in your paragraph and avoid rambling, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand your main point: Determine the main idea or argument you want to convey in your paragraph. This will help you stay focused and avoid straying off-topic.

2. Make an outline: Before you start writing your paragraph, create a brief outline of the key points you want to include. This will help you organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas.

3. Start with a topic sentence: Begin your paragraph with a clear and concise topic sentence that introduces the main idea or argument. This will provide a roadmap for your readers and set the tone for the rest of the paragraph.

4. Use transition words: Utilize transition words and phrases such as "firstly," "in addition," "however," or "finally" to guide readers through your ideas and create a smooth transition between sentences and paragraphs. These transitions help to establish relationships between thoughts and maintain coherence.

5. Support your main point with evidence or examples: Each subsequent sentence or paragraph should provide evidence or examples that support your main idea. Ensure that your evidence is relevant and directly connected to your argument.

6. Arrange ideas logically: Organize your ideas in a logical order that makes sense to the reader. You can follow a chronological order, start with the most important point, or use a cause-and-effect structure, depending on the nature of your topic.

7. Use paragraphs to separate distinct ideas: If you have multiple ideas or arguments, separate them into different paragraphs. This will make it easier for the reader to grasp each concept individually.

8. Review and revise: After writing your paragraph, review it to ensure that each sentence contributes to the overall coherence. Edit any unclear or irrelevant sentences, and consider rearranging your ideas if necessary.

By implementing these steps, you can improve the organization of your paragraph and create a clear and cohesive flow of ideas that avoids rambling.