In females the first meiotic cell division produces______cells. One of the cell is _____ than the other and is called the ______. The Polar body stays attached to the _______. The larger cell is called the _______amd ot ,atires omtp tje _______. The second meiotic cell division results in ________functional egg and_______. Nonfunctional polar bodies breakdown.

________occurs in males and ends with______ sperm from each original cell. After the first meiotic division there will be four_____formed. The spermatids will become_____. The sperm and egg are both__________.

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In females, the first meiotic cell division produces two cells. One of the cells is smaller than the other and is called the Polar body. The Polar body stays attached to the ovary. The larger cell is called the Secondary oocyte and it matures into the Ovum. During the second meiotic cell division, only one functional egg and another smaller polar body are produced. The nonfunctional polar bodies will eventually break down.

In males, the process is called spermatogenesis. It starts with one parent cell and ends with four mature sperm cells from each original cell. After the first meiotic division, four spermatids are formed. These spermatids will then undergo maturation to become functional sperm cells. Both sperm and egg cells are gametes involved in sexual reproduction.