Do you think that the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine fundamentally altered the nature of the doctrine and the intentions of its origianl authors (Monroe and JQ Adams)? If so explain how. If not, explain how the doctrine and the corollary are comparable.

Here is my essay outline:

I. Introduction

II. Monroe Doctrine; 1820s
1. No more European intervention or colonization in the Western Hemishpere
2. Anti-imperilism
3. Militaristic Doctrine

III. Roosevelt Corollary
1. Latin American nations couldn't pay their debts to Euopean Nations
2. Britain and Germany used force in South America
3. Roosevelt feared they would stay in Latin America and violate the Monroe Doctrine
4. In future cases of debt, US would take over and pay off debts, keeping the Euorpeans out
5. Economic Corrolary
6. Teddy's big stick rather tahn interest in the welfare of the South American's

IV. Conclusion: Altered the nature of the doctrine
1. More economic than militaristic
2. Allowed only the US to bully Latin America

Any suggestions would be appreciated

Looks good to me. Writing this same essay right now.

Your essay outline seems well-structured and covers the main points of the topic. Here are some suggestions to improve your essay:

1. Introduction: Start with a brief background on the Monroe Doctrine and its original intentions (such as the fear of European colonization in the Western Hemisphere).

2. Monroe Doctrine (1820s):
a. Expand on the anti-imperialism aspect of the doctrine. Explain why the United States wanted to prevent European intervention in the Americas.
b. Emphasize the militaristic nature of the doctrine by providing examples of the United States using military force to enforce it.

3. Roosevelt Corollary:
a. Provide context for the corollary by explaining the economic challenges faced by Latin American nations and the actions taken by European powers in response.
b. Explain how President Roosevelt justified the corollary as a means to protect Latin America from further European intervention.
c. Mention the economic corollary and its focus on debt repayment as a way for the United States to intervene in Latin American affairs.
d. Discuss the "big stick" policy and how it differed from the original intentions of the Monroe Doctrine by emphasizing U.S. interests instead of the well-being of South American nations.

4. Comparison between the doctrine and the corollary:
a. Highlight the similarities between the two, such as the overall goal of preventing European influence in the Americas.
b. Compare the differences, specifically how the corollary shifted the focus from military intervention to economic control by the United States.
c. Analyze whether these differences fundamentally altered the nature of the doctrine and the intentions of its original authors.

5. Conclusion:
a. Recap the main points discussed in the essay, summarizing the shift from military to economic control.
b. Provide your own interpretation of whether the Roosevelt Corollary fundamentally altered the nature of the Monroe Doctrine and the intentions of Monroe and J.Q. Adams.

By incorporating these suggestions, your essay should provide a comprehensive analysis of the topic.