what is the correct usage of the words " in" and "into"?

Let's go ________ the lobby to wait for them. (in, into)

OOps! Sorry, I didn't realize you had a 2nd posting! This one, obviously, belongs to the first post!

To determine the correct usage of "in" and "into" in this sentence, let's break it down and examine their meanings:

1. "In" is a preposition that indicates the position or location of someone or something inside an enclosed space or area. It suggests being already inside the mentioned place.

2. "Into" is a preposition that suggests movement or direction towards the inside of a place or object. It emphasizes the action of going from the outside to the inside.

In the given sentence, "Let's go ________ the lobby to wait for them," the correct word to use is "into" because it describes the action of moving from the outside to the inside of the lobby.

To check for correctness, you can ask yourself if there is a motion or a change in location involved. In this case, there is movement from the outside to the inside of the lobby, therefore, "into" is the appropriate choice.

So, the corrected sentence would be: "Let's go into the lobby to wait for them."