How do you find a common denominator when subtracting whole numbers and fractions?

Find the common denominator for the fractions.


2 3/4 - 1 2/5

The common denominator is 20.

2 3/4 = 11/4 = 55/20

1 2/5 = 7/5 = 28/20

Thank you sooo much for your help now it all makes sence!!!! ;))

Please explain how i would do this.

8 1/9 - 1 6/7 =?

To find a common denominator when subtracting whole numbers and fractions, follow these steps:

1. Identify the whole number and fraction involved in the subtraction problem.

2. Convert the whole number into a fraction. To do this, write the whole number over the denominator of 1. For example, if the whole number is 2, convert it to 2/1.

3. Determine the denominators of both fractions. If the denominators are already the same, you can skip the next step.

4. Find the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators. The LCM is the smallest multiple that both denominators can divide evenly into. You can use different methods to find the LCM, such as prime factorization, listing multiples, or using the ladder method.

5. Rewrite each fraction using the common denominator obtained in the previous step. To do this, multiply the numerator and denominator of each fraction by a factor that makes the denominators equal.

6. Perform the subtraction operation. Subtract the numerators of the fractions while keeping the common denominator unchanged.

7. Simplify the resulting fraction, if necessary, by reducing it to its simplest form.

By following these steps, you will be able to find a common denominator when subtracting whole numbers and fractions.