what would be a good sentence for erroneous???

Because of so many erroneous answers on his test, Joe failed it.


what about a sentence for fuax pas

I think you mean "faux pas."

Your turn. Please post your sentence using "faux pas," and we'll be glad to comment on it.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Whenever you meet a new word/expression, be sure to look it up in a good dictionary or thesaurus. When you recognize a synonym, write a sentence with the easier word first and then substitute the new word.

It might help you to know that the expression "faux pas" comes from the French and literally means "false step" so some synonyms could be: blunder, mistake, etc.

To generate a good sentence for the word "erroneous," we should first understand its meaning. "Erroneous" is an adjective that refers to something that contains errors or is incorrect. To come up with a sentence, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the subject of the sentence. What or who is being described as erroneous? For example, let's assume we are referring to a news article.

Step 2: Determine the context. In what way is the subject erroneous? Is it factually inaccurate, does it contain mistakes, or is it misleading?

Step 3: Combine the subject and the context to create a sentence that conveys the intended meaning. Here's an example:

"The news article contained numerous erroneous statements, misrepresenting the facts and confusing readers."

Remember, you can modify this sentence based on the specific context or subject you have in mind.